The Image Of Health
I am a board-certified functional medicine physician with extensive training in internal medicine, geriatric medicine, and hospice and palliative medicine. After a decade of practicing conventional medicine, and after my own journey of burning out while caring for loved ones, I realized my true passion lay in helping other caregivers like me get the healing and support they need. I am dedicated to creating and developing meaningful relationships with the people I serve in order to make lasting and transformational changes in their lives.
Jon Benson
Goodlife Institute
The Two Million Dollar Lesson
I’ve spent my entire 20+ year career as a corporate marketing executive. And I understand success. By the age of 30, I was the youngest executive of a multi-billion dollar company flying all over the world as the head of international marketing. I lived an enviable life. My career was powerful and exciting and lucrative. I had it all.
Until I burned out in 2003, walked away at the age of 33 and moved to the Virgin Islands. Everyone said I was crazy, but I was too burned out to care.
Jason Hennessey
“Cheers to you and your amazing team. It has truly been a pleasure working with you over the last few months and I am thankful for all your patience as I provided feedback, in some cases meticulous feedback, to create the masterpiece that we just launched today.” Forever grateful.
Thank you!
Chloé Valdary
As a person who has been a speaker at hundreds of events around the globe, I’ve witnessed countless excellent lectures. The most impactful, though, was the impromptu one a professor of mine gave.