<p><strong>Raj Jana’s vivid vision CREATING A WORLD WORTH BEING IN Helping humanity become whole again through ventures, collaborations, and investments that power an integrated lifestyle guided by the five elements of being.</strong></p>
<p>Helping humanity become whole again through ventures, collaborations, and investments that power an integrated lifestyle guided by the five elements of being.</p>
<p><strong> It is my vision to build a container to unlocks human fulfillment by empowering people </strong>to reclaim their sovereignty and experience a reality where their fullest, most audacious, most authentic selves are liberated and fully expressed.</p>
<p>This vision is guided by a North Star of enabling fullness and wholeness; the gateway to a reality where society is structured and organized to support human consciousness, evolution and development at the highest level.</p>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
Jon Benson’s Now VSL
<h3 style=”color: #c40000;”><strong>WORDS</strong></h3>
<p style=”color: #989898;”><strong>THAT GET CASH.</strong></p>
In today’s frenetic and fast paced world, grabbing your customer’s attention is more important than ever before. And nothing is better than a Video Sales Letter. Face it, we live in a viral world full of grumpy cats, laughing babies and endless epic fails.
Making sales online used to be as easy as putting up an old-school sales letter. Today, when a potential customer lands on your site if you don’t grab them immediately they’re on to the next bright, shiny object.
<p style=”color: #c40000;”><strong>THE TRUTH</strong></p>
<strong>If you want to make sales online,
you need a Video Sales Letter.</strong>
<strong>And the good news: Video Sales Letters can convert
up to 300% better than a regular sales letter alone.</strong>
Until just recently, you’d have to pay a small fortune to get a pro to write one for you. Well not any more.
The Now VSL allows anyone, regardless of experience or knowledge, to write a powerful, converting Sales Letter using the secret formula responsible for over $1 Billion Dollars in sales online.
TEDxMileHigh: Ideas Worth Spreading
<h3>What is TEDxMileHigh?</h3>
<p>TEDxMileHigh is a nonprofit that exists to spread big ideas and elevate inspired citizenship in Colorado. It is a community of thinkers and doers, ideators and creators, activists and enthusiasts.</p>
<p>TEDxMileHigh showcases innovative Coloradans, no matter the sector, who each give the ‘talk of their life’ around the power of ideas.</p>
<p>This diverse group of thought leaders and innovators educate, inspire, and stimulate change with the ultimate goal being deep discussion and action across our communities.</p>
<p>TEDxMileHigh is made possible by the work and effort of the broader community: inspiring attendees, the efforts of thousands of hours from a large, committed team, deep involvement from partners and sponsors, and a wealth of brilliant innovators in Colorado who donate their time, energy, and talents to contribute to “Ideas Worth Spreading.”</p><p></p>
Ari Meisel
<div>We’ve already assisted over 2,000+ founders in finding new levels of freedom while helping them streamline their operations and grow their top-line revenue, profit, and valuation.</div>
<div><strong>Your greatest success, freedom, and fulfillment depends on you taking the leap and doing LESS.</strong></div>
Aymeric Monello
<h3>My name is
Aymeric Monello</h3>
<strong>OUR ORIGIN STORY</strong>
<p>I work with some of the world’s top brands and Amazon sellers to transform their product listings so they can find more customers, sell more units and better represent their brand on the world's most important marketplace.</p>
<div><p>I developed a Brand Optimization Formula that is virtually guaranteed to increase the sales of any product on Amazon if followed correctly. My clients have seen their sales 5x…10x….and even 100x….Ultimately generating tens of millions of dollars in sales.</p></div>