
Conscious Copy & Co.


From The Laptop Of CEO Jennifer Hudye.</p>

<p>Where it all began.</p>

<p>In a family of brilliant entrepreneurs, I was the only one who decided to step away from the path of working in the family business that had been around for 35+ years.</p>

<p>While I was a business management/entrepreneurship student at Arizona State University it became my mission to prove to myself and my family that I could create my own path as an entrepreneur.</p>

<p>So while all my friends were out partying after class and on the weekends… I was staying up late bootstrapping my new business.</p>

<p>I was a group fitness instructor and personal trainer on the side and loved helping women get in shape physically and mentally… so I started a side hustle helping women through online fitness programs I created.</p>

Dan Lok Show

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The Dan Lok Show is the place where Dan brings you into his private world, and allows you
to listen in on conversations he’s having with some of the world’s top leaders and CEO’s, as
they share their latest lessons, insights and discoveries straight from the front-lines.

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<h4 class=”elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default”>Entrepreneurship is a very lonely path…
but it doesn’t have to be!</h4>

Coyle Financial

<h2><b>The Good Life Managed Well™</b></h2>
<h3>We believe that your money, finances and wealth are the foundation of your life.</h3>
That is, the means through which you can live, thrive and achieve your longer‑term ends. We believe in our approach to helping you and your family through our core philosophy: The Good Life Managed Well™. Coyle navigates ever-changing markets and family variables, prudently manages risk and reward, and wisely guides you past the missteps and pitfalls that can seriously derail your family fortune, your plans and your dreams.


We believe in helping you avoid mistakes, get it right, and get on with your life. We’re a comprehensive wealth coaching firm that goes way beyond investments, which is why the majority of our clients form 20-60 year multigenerational partnerships.

Everything we do is centered around you.

Genius Recovery

<p><b>We are working to change the way people view and treat addicts:</b> with compassion instead of judgement. We help find the best forms of treatment that have efficacy, and share those with the world.</p>

<p><b>Genius Recovery is safe place for those in recovery and those who support recovery, to connect, collaborate, and contribute. </b>We share the mindset that recovery and addiction should be viewed with compassion, not judgement.</p>

<p>We ask <b>“Why the pain? Not, why the addiction.”</b> This is hub to share experience, strength and hope, and a place where the world’s top recovery experts frequently share strategies and resources. Genius Recovery helps heal the pain, and saves lives.</p>

Mark Lack

<h3>Before almost dying, I was obsessive about achieving my dreams, a positive person, and my work was helping people to leverage the power of their personal brand – all things that are still very much me.</h3>

<p>But I also lacked perspective on life, and how to ensure your life is meaningful.</p>

<p>Facing my death gave me a realization: Every person ever born is an absolute original. God made only one of you.</p>

<p>I suffered as a kid, and as a teen, and even into my 20’s, wondering if I was enough? If I was worthy? If my life mattered? I know a lot of people have these hard questions and limiting beliefs.</p>

<p>Almost dying taught me that just by being born, your life is precious, you’re worthy, and it’s up to you to give your life meaning, and to make your life matter.</p>

<p><b>Today, I’m obsessed with making my life meaningful through growth, contribution, and service. I’m living my life to the absolute fullest.</b></p>

I wake up every day passionate about helping others understand the importance of owning and being the original, One of a Kind person that they indeed are.

Marty Levy

<p>Hi, I’m Marty Levy, a 30 year insurance industry veteran – a little grey and a lot of wisdom
I am passionate about helping people achieve their financial goals and protect the people and things they most care about.</p>

<p>One of my primary focuses is helping people understand one of the most complex and misunderstood products they own, Life Insurance.</p>

<p>Its one of the most mis-sold, misrepresented and misunderstood products of all time. I help people gain clarity and an understanding of one of their most important assets.</p>

Wordpress Backups
The Most Reliable Daily Backups
for WordPress Websites.

If the unthinkable happens and you need a site restored,
we’ll take care of that for you — fast.

Your World-Class Website is always
available, no matter what:

Stored Securely Off-Site

Independent, remote storage means that your backups are always available when you need them most. Even if your server goes down.

Won't Slow Down Your Site

Sites are backed up incrementally so it won't load down your server and slow down your site like other providers do. It's important to you, it's important to us.

Fail-Proof Migrations

Changing hosts? No problem! Our full-service backups offer you a simple way to migrate your World-Class Website without the stress or failure worry.

90 Days of Storage

Access to 90 days of backup history. So if you need to restore a previous version of your site, it's as easy as just saying so!

Immediate Recovery

We can recover your website with just a few clicks. If something happens, we'll get your site back up before anyone even notices.

Maintenance Dashboard

Never wonder if your World-Class Website's been backed up!  Our Maintenance Dashboard plugin shows you a running log every backup.

Security Monitoring
Security Monitoring That
Goes the Extra Mile.

Your World-Class Websites are safe and protected from the daily attacks
that threaten their integrity. Security monitoring is a no-brainer must,
and it comes included in our Peace of Mind Maintenance Plans.

Relax knowing your sites are safe
with Peace Of Mind

Daily Automatic Scans

Deep automated scans detect malware, anti-viruses and malicious code that can be on your client's site.

Deep Malware Detection

Our malware scans dive deep to find the complex WordPress malware that others don't catch.

Rapid Malware Cleanup

When malware is detected on a site, our peace of mind engineers are on the scene immediately to clean it up.

Powerful Firewall

Blocking bad guys from day one! Suspicious IPs and malware bots are prevented from entering your WordPress sites.

Attack Prevention

An automatic and powerful captcha login protection system keeps would-be hackers and bots out.

Wordpress Hardening

You can rest assured that your sites are secure according to the recommended WordPress best practices.

Say Goodbye to
Problematic Plugin Updates.

Far gone are the days of plugin updates giving you headaches or worse — breaking
your World-Class Website and forcing you to spend valuable time fixing it.

Our Visual Validator ensures success.

Welcome to the Future of
Automated Wordpress Updates

How Visual Validator perfects the update process:

Visual Validator takes screenshots of up to 10 pages of your site.

Updates are applied.

Visual Validator takes new screenshots and compares them to see if anything looks different.

If changes are detected, our peace of mind engineers are alerted and will resolve the issue.

Break-Free Updates

Our Visual Validator means plugin updates won’t cause visual problems on your site!

If a new version of a plugin you’re using doesn’t play nice, we’ll know about it before there’s a problem. The Visual Validator alerts our happiness engineers to take a personal look.

Pick and Choose Which Plugins
to Update

Our update process lets us pick and choose which updates to run. So if needed, we can exclude updates which are known to be problematic from the process.

You have full visibility and complete control over this through the Updates tab of the Maintenance Dashboard plugin.