Physician. Scientist. Engineer. Mom.
Before my board certification in Internal Medicine and over a decade of practicing Functional Medicine… I was working as a chemical engineer and manager with IBM.
After returning from a vacation, I got REALLY sick. From severe gut issues, to hair loss, to extreme fatigue… my colleagues at work thought I was actually dying.
I went to many recommended doctors with high hopes of healing my body. Unfortunately at the time, I was given medications that only served as bandaids… without TRUE solutions… and my symptoms continued to worsen.
At the same time, I devoured every health book I could find, met with an ayurvedic doctor, a nutritionist, an herbalist, an immunologist, a naturopath, and an acupuncturist, putting every piece of research together and experimenting with multiple diets until I finally reached a breakthrough in my own healing. I knew that somehow there must be a better way to practice medicine…